Hello, my name is Angelika. Who is Angelika? Well, I though it's about time, and I'm here to tell you more about myself.
From many of my blog posts you may have gathered, that I'm a very self motivated individual as I constantly write about overcoming hurdles, whether in terms of going through life or university. The most important thing for me is to always stay true to who I am and what I value. Self motivation is a huge part of who I am. Over the years I have learnt to rely on myself to be strong and resilient in any situation.
How do I do that?
Through constant reflection upon where I want to be, and who I want to be. I aim to put my passion and consistent effort into my future. Being successful and happy is the end goal.
University is a choice I will never regret. It taught me so many life lessons, when it comes to friends family and job hunting. I've developed so much as an individual, constantly aiming to grow and improve. This year in particular, I've realised you should never underestimate your worth and your abilities. Who knew that I could actually be on the road to achieving and finishing my Marketing Batchelor degree with a first? Certainly not the 18 year old me. But I can pat myself on the back and say that I've developed my knowledge and the interest I hold in the Marketing field, has equipped me with the ability to work hard and aim high.
As a person I've always been creative. That's why I chose marketing as a field. It's an ever growing and ever changing plethora of opportunity. It never stays in the same place. I need that. I thought marketing will be where I can be creative in a less traditional sense. And yes, I will always be intrigued by the world of fine art and the different mediums that are left unexplored by me, but creating this blog and having a platform where I can dabble in a little bit of coding, design and have an outlet for my photography along with my hobbies in fashion, beauty and lifestyle is truly amazing. The digital world is truly amazing. Hey, I'm embarking on an amazing trip to Bali, and I have these platforms such as youtube and this blog to share my new adventure and experiences to help others, create travel vlogs that perhaps will give tips for other fellow wonderlusters.
Angelika is curious. She's curious not just about the industry and she wants to be hands on in any job or placement, she's curious for ambiguity about the world.
Yes, I'm Angelika and I'm proud of what I have accomplished so far. I moved from Lithuania at the age of 10/11 with no knowledge of English, now I fluently speak English, while achieving firsts in my written work at university, being fully competent for a dream job I'm currently in search for. I was selected to be the Marketing Executive Director of 180 Degrees consulting, where I've recruited 43 individuals through promoting the event and being passionate and believing in helping NGO's, but also through effective communication. I'm studying a degree in my chosen university, looking for a dream placement, and I'm determined that I will find my perfect fit. Somewhere I can grow and learn more and continuously develop, while immersing myself in new opportunities and giving my absolute best shot in the job role and more, going above and beyond for customers, suppliers, teammates and the role itself. I'm so excited to put my passion for life, for marketing and creativity and work in a fast paced environment, to learn and grow with the company wile in return, adding value to the company by applying already learnt skills and completing the job role to an excellent degree.
Although I was quite skeptical about writing this blog posts, I think it's really important when you're in a certain mind space, to remind yourself of what you've achieved, shake off anything that's gone wrong and reflect upon what has gone right. Be proud of yourself and your achievements, because despite the obvious DNA, we are so unique as individuals and what we do, how we do it and what we have to offer, that we need to trust in our abilities and trust that hard work will pay off.
Hello, my name is Angelika and I'm proud of what I've achieved.
Now your turn, what are you proud off? Did you create a facebook page to show-cast your photography? Did you get into your first choice university? Did you get the position on the committee you wanted? Did you start waking up early in the morning and became more productive? Are you taking baby steps towards your dreams? Write it down, no matter how big or small your achievement is and remind yourself everyday, that you are good, and that you are good enough.
Lots of Love