If I could only have 3 Skincare Products. ♡

Hey guys! It's officially 3 Days, 13 hours and 00 minutes and 30 seconds until spring at the time of writing this, but hey who's counting?! I'm so excited for spring because winter is over after new years for me and then it just seems cold and it drags out for way too long especially in the UK. Although many debates have been made when springs starts (whether its 1st of march or 21st) the weather in the UK is way too bipolar for spring to start n the 1st. And it was freaking freezing yesterday! Anyhow, just wanted to share my 3 must have skincare products and the three very bare essentials for me. The 'If I could only have 3 Makeup Products' post here went down a treat with you guys, so I thought this would be fun to do as well, for those of us who, lets be honest have those lazy day routines. And let's be real, who uses 10 products a day, 7 days a week, everyday anyway?! I certainly try to take care of my skin, but no human being has a strict morning and evening routines that they ALWAYS do. Yes, we all try our best to maintain routines, blah blah blah, but this is for the lazy folks like me, who want to strip their skin care to the very bare minimum, and the products I would choose if I only had 3 products to pick for the rest of my life!

In the City that we love.

Do you guys remember this song? I randomly typed it in and didn't realise they were lyrics to Bastille's Pompeii. Ahhh, that brings so many sunny memories and not so sunny memories (aka when Bastille Cancelled playing at Boardmasters festival because of how terrible the weather was). Summer memories, nonetheless make me lust for the sunny rays, relaxed fashion, the beach and messy hair. However since we are still in the transitioning period from cold to warm(ish) here in the UK, I bring you the outfit I wore while wondering around the busy streets of London, when I visited my best friend (Blog here). It's actually my favourite outfit, and I just can't stop wearing it.  
